Prayer to the Blessed Trinity

Cenacle Vocation Prayer

Vision of Goodness

Prayer for the People

Act of Oblation

Gaze of Mary

Saint Thérèse Couderc's 

texts for meditation

Saint Thérèse Couderc  had for years known God as good. But one day, when she was thanking God after Mass, she had a mystical vision of goodness. This is the way she described her experience:

I had, a few days ago, an insight which consoled me very much. It was during my thanksgiving, when I was making a few reflections upon the goodness of God, and how could one not think of this at such a time, of the infinite goodness, uncreated goodness, the source of all goodness! And without this there would be no goodness whatsoever, whether in humans or in other creatures. I was extremely touched by these reflections when I saw written as in letters of gold his word GOODNESS, which I repeated for a long time with an indescribable sweetness. I beheld it, I sat, written upon all creatures, animate and inanimate, rational or not, all bore this name of goodness. I saw it even upon the chair that served as a priedieu. I understood then that all these creatures have of good and all the services and assistance that we received from each of them is a benefit which we owe to the goodness of our God who has communicated to them something of His infinite goodness so that we may meet Him in everything and everywhere.

(Text from Saint Thérèse Couderc )

Gaze of Mary, turn towards me.
Lips of Mary, pray for me.
Hands of Mary, bless me.
Heart of Mary, love Jesus for me.
Feet of Mary, direct my steps.

(Text from Saint Thérèse Couderc ) 

My God, convert your people.
My God, pardon your people.
My God, cast a glance of compassion on your people.
My God, do not abandon your people.
My God, be touched by the misfortunes of your people.
My God, come to the help of your people.
My God, fight for your people.
My God, make your power and your kindness shine forth for your people;
your power in assisting them and your kindness in pardoning them.

(Text from Saint Thérèse Couderc )

About trust in God 
"If the matter didn't succeed, as you wanted it to, this will not make it any less commendable in the eyes of God, who has seen all, heard all, understood all. May it be God, then, who rewards all, yes all, since I can do nothing. I thank God for everything that has just happened, and I remain persuaded that the seed sown will bear its fruit in due season."
( Letter to Mother Marie Aimee Lauthier - August 3, 1878)

"The best plan, it seems to me, would be to wait a little while longer, to wait with patience, with gentleness, with peace; the Lord's timing is not always ours, it is true, but what does it matter, provided we are doing God's will. It is the an occasion for saying with our Lord in the Garden of Olives: Not my will be done, but yours... Let us adore God's designs and submit to them with love, in the conviction that all will be for our greater good."
(Letter to her nephew, Abbe Leon Couderc - January 15, 1881)

"I find myself quite lacking in virtues. I may even say that I see none at all in myself, and it seems to me that, if the Good God were to call me to give an account of my works, I would find myself with empty hands, having no other recourse than God's great Mercy. And with all this, I hope, I have confidence, and I abandon myself to the divine good pleasure with a calmness, a peace that nothing disturbs and which seems to me that God alone can give.
(Letter to Mother de Larochenegly - August 7, 1867)

Remember your mother, 
O Lady of the Cenacle,
who persevered in prayer 
with the disciples and the women
and draw into the Cenacle of today
those who wish to give themselves to You
in a life of loving service.

Women who will follow your call 
to a spiritual ministry
with firm purpose of mind and heart
finding in your will, day by day,
their fulfillment and their joy.


Lord Jesus, I unite myself
to your perpetual, unceasing,
universal sacrifice.
I offer myself to you every day of my life
and every moment of every day
according to your most holy and adorable will.
You have been the victim of my salvation;
I wish to be the victim of your love.
Accept my desire, take my offering,
graciously hear my prayer.
Let me live for love of you;
let me die for love of you,
let my last heartbeat be
an act of perfect love.
Type your paragraph here.

(Text from Saint Thérèse Couderc )

Omnipotence of the Father,
Communicate your strength to my weakness 

and deign to lift it up
from its profound misery
so that it may perform
works worthy of being offered to 
Your Divine Majesty,
and of procuring your glory.

Wisdom of the Son,
Preside over all my thoughts,
words and actions,
so that they may always be in accord
with that Eternal Wisdom,
which is You, Yourself, O my God.

Love of the Holy Spirit,
Be the principle of all the operations
of my soul,
so that they be entirely conformed
to the Divine Good Pleasure.

(Text from Saint Therese Couderc)