New Year 2020: A Time for Beginnings

After almost a whole year of meetings with our architect, CIAP Architects, and interviews with prospective contractors, tender was awarded to Seaever Engineering Pte Ltd.  Renovations to the new Cenacle house finally started with a blessing prayer service on the 18th of December 2019.  The community, together with Tony Cheah, member of the Renovations Committee, and Janet Ang, member of the Board of Directors for Cenacle Mission (Singapore) Ltd., and Ms. Wendy Zhou, project manager of Seaever, and some of the workers present on that day, gathered around a makeshift prayer space to launch the start of the project.  After a call to prayer, we went around the house, and outside, to bless all the spaces of the house.  We concluded by praying for God’s favour to touch all the work to be done to transform the place into a Cenacle, an Upper Room.

Very present to us at this moment were all of you who have generously blessed us and have brought us to this time.  We prayed very especially for you at Christmastime. And as we begin this New Year, our prayerful wishes for you: blessing and grace in this coming year, upon you and your loved ones.


Cenacle Sisters (Singapore Community)


CLICK HERE to watch a video of the blessing prayer on Facebook.

(Photos above) Blessing Prayer Service for the Renovation of the New Cenacle House